Handling Project Changes As An Engineer [I]

Dealing with feature changes, upgrades, and requirements is a regular part of an engineer's job. However, these changes can be tedious and affect your productivity. Here are some tips to effectively handle them:

  1. Don't Make It About You: You must understand that you are paid to do a job and the goal is customer satisfaction. Thus you must learn to remove yourself from the equation.
  2. Ask Questions If You Must: One good way to ensure you stay within the purview of a project and your client's desires is to ask questions – the right questions.

As an engineer, customer satisfaction should always be at the forefront of your priorities and a willingness to embrace change is crucial. Acquiring the ability to efficiently manage upgrades and requirements is a key competency for any technical professional.

In this two-part series, I will be providing practical insights on how to excel in this area. Make sure to follow along for maximum benefit.

Wishing you success.

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